Equilibrium Medicine
A clinic for the assessment & treatment of musculoskeletal pain disorders.
We provide high quality care in a relaxed, friendly and professional environment.
Our patient-centered approach is based on current knowledge of anatomy, physiology & psychology of pain.
Treament Approach
We take a comprehensive & individualised approach to the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. It can include:
Patient Education
Intradermal Needling Therapy
Medical Acupuncture
Laser Therapy
Mobilisation and Exercise Therapy
Our key treatment methods are Patient Education and Intradermal Needling Therapy.
Understanding Pain
There have been many recent scientific discoveries about the physiology of pain. It is important to understand what this new research means for you.
1. Pain does not always mean tissue damage
2. There are multiple factors which determine why and how you feel pain
3. A sensitised sensory nervous system is a common cause of ongoing pain
Common Conditions Treated
Back pain
Neck pain
Shoulder, elbow & other arm pain
Knee, hip and other leg pain
Headache and migraine
Jaw and facial pain
Muscle and soft tissue injury
Vertigo (Cervicogenic)
Dr. Thomas Choong
Dr. Choong is an Australian Qualified Medical Doctor trained in Musculoskeletal Medicine & Medical Acupuncture.
At Equilibrium Medicine, we treat a number of different Musculoskeletal conditions.